More than fifteen years ago, Dr. Harris founded New York Breast Care, committed to the early diagnosis and current treatment of breast disease and cancer. He has been caring for women and men with breast cancer and their concerns since 1982.

This committment remains unchanged with a practice which remains personalized, supportive and focused on the early detection and treatment of breast cancer.

Dr. Harris specializes in office based diagnosis of breast cancer through needle and core biopsy and, if required, minimally invasive surgery such as Lumpectomy with Sentinel Lymph Node biopsies rather than mastectomy where feasible.

The most common problems leading to consultation:

We advise women to have yearly mammography starting at age 40 following the guidelines of:

Women with a strong family history of early (pre-menopausal) breast cancer generally should have yearly mammogams beginning 10 years before the diagnosis of that cancer.

Dr. Harris is a member of the New York Metropitan Breast Cancer Group and the American Society of Breast Surgeons (


Please call anytime for a prompt initial evaluation or second opinion for a lump or abnormal mammogram.